last night, i had an emergency that was preordained by God. God had actually prepared me for it on Monday, May 10th and i had the peace of God. on Friday may 7th, i received a urgent letter that God had prepared me for on Monday, may 3rd. i responded to the letter the same day i received it.
i have always considered God to be My Holy Counselor as proclaimed in Isaiah 9:6 and John 14 - 16. A few weeks ago, I started reading the 7 commitments of a Forerunner:a sacred charge to press into God by Mike Bickle, in addition to continuing my daily bible study (come on Christians, how can we grow if we do not sit at Abba's feet each day and listen to Holy Spirit's instruction), I have been asking God to increase the level of intimacy that i have with God. i want to know God more. i want to know God's heart. i am listening more. when God advises me what to do, i take heed. i am showered with the peace of God when i obey God more and more.
i want to encourage all believers, babes and non babes in Christ to stop fronting on your spiritual growth. daily: study the Word, pray the Word, live the Word, believe the Word. fast weekly. worship daily. trust daily. yield daily. humble daily. seek Abba daily.
the best commitment you can make in life is become more committed to the One who created you in God's image. Christianity is more than daily prayer (to bless food and forgive sins), weekly worship (where you want to be entertained rather than participate) and Wednesday night bible study (as if you get extra points for sacrificing 1 to 2 hours of your life). if your life is BORING, look in the mirror of the Word and say, 'is it me Lord? is it my lack of commitment to become the one You are calling me to be?'
Colossians 3:15 states And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
(today's Sunday school actually involves v12-17 and refers to the entire chapter for background reference).
my prayer today is that Abba, please let the peace of God rule in my heart. God i want my body, Your temple to live as a one body with other believers. God i thank You that You are perfecting those things which concern me. in Jesus' name, amen.