during lunch on Friday, i was playing dominoes with one of my students. it was a fun game. one of my colleagues joined me. i cannot recall the exact details of what occurred, i do know that i had to explain to my colleague what soul food was because he had never heard of the term. after i defined soul food, i told him he could do an online search for further information. i basically explained that people of color are known to make delicious food termed soul food. he stated that he was colored. i looked at him because i was born with a tan. i was wondering where he was going. i reiterated African Americans are known to cook these southern delicacies. he stated that 'Ms. Brown, you know that we are chosen people.' i stated, 'we are all chosen.' he retorted, 'no, we are considered the chosen people.' i reiterated, 'we are all chosen people.' my voice had elevated an octave higher. he said, 'Ms Brown, i do not want to argue with you, i just wanted to say that we are considered the chosen people.' i stated for the third time, 'we are all chosen people.' and i gave him a look which caused the conversation to end. he chuckled and we continued the dominoes game.
i know that i am chosen. i know that i am called. my mom introduced me to God before i could walk and i learned more about God through salvation, personal seeking, personal and corporate bible study, Sunday school, worship.
we have to know who we are. we have to know Whose we are. i have met to many people who do not know who they are and they get pummeled with questions that they cannot answer. i remember my freshman year at Howard University wherein i met students who did not know what they believed in and the foundation. they just stated, 'i do not have to go to church anymore because my family can not make me'. i prayed for them. why would someone have to make you worship the God who created you for a purpose? why would someone have to make you worship with other believers who believe in the God, Abba, who loves you individually?
it is time for people to receive the Love that God has for them.
it is time for people to work out theirs soul salvation with fear and trembling.
it is time to stop letting your Bible collect dust and live for the God who create you for a purpose.
Deuteronomy 7:6 states "For you [are] a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.
God, I am glad that I am holy because You are holy. God, I am holy unto You, Lord God. God, I am glad that you have chosen me to be a people for You. God I am a special treasure above all the people on the face of the earth. in Jesus' name, amen