I am not sure if there is anyone out there who desires to let your Light shine brighter than ever before. it sounds nerdy right. it's just that i want to be on one accord with Abba. each day, i rise I'm like, 'Abba, what's up? what do You want me to accomplish today?' throughout the day, i am like, 'God, are we good? is there anything we need to talk about? any sin that i overlooked or person i need to apologize to?' at night time, i will take out my journal, and record what i learned from God. i will record all the revelations i received. i will ask Holy Spirit to help me remember anything i forgot. i sleep best when i talk to God. God truly is a Holy Counselor (Is 9:6).
A few weeks ago, I learned about a scripture that I became a part of my daily prayer request. Zephaniah 3:9-10. I have been praying Psalm 19:14, yet these two verses make me happy also. I want my speech to be pure. I even pray it on behalf of the worshippers of the church I worship at and all the people of color. This verse is important because we make impressions on people by how we speak, with our lives and with our mouths. Many of my students ask me why I do not have a tattoo. I explain to them that my life is a tattoo. If you cannot tell them I am a Christian by the life that I live, I am not doing something right. I feel that if I do not wear a cross, have a 'Jesus loves me' button or 'Jesus loves me' t-shirt on, or a 'honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker on my car, one should still be able to tell that I live for God.
Zephaniah 3:9-10 "Yea, at that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, the daughter of my dispersed ones, shall bring my offering."
God, change my speech to a pure speech. Lord, reveal to me as I study Your Word each day, words that I can speak and pray into lives of people I meet and my own life. Lord, each day I live, I shall call on Your name. I shall serve You. Lord, let Your love flow through me, as I offer to You each day, my will. God, as You increase, let me decrease. in Jesus' name, amen
have a blessed, productive and peaceful week.