ash Wednesday is next Wednesday, march 9th 2011. lent is a season of reflection. it is time where you look at your relationship with God and say, 'how can i be a better me?' you ask God several questions: 'Lord, what behavior can i add or subtract in my life to make me a better me? Lord, is there something or someone i need to fast from? Lord, do you want me to stay away from electronic devices for 46 days and listen to the voice of Your Word and Your Spirit?'
i do not believe that Christians taking lent seriously much less life. if we seriously sought God, to find out God's will for our lives, life would be...
this morning during prayer and bible study, Holy Spirit said, 'let's start lent now.' i said okay. i chose two behaviors that i wanted to engage in and God approved of them both. the most exciting thing is, i look forward to engaging in those behaviours for the rest of my life.
Mark 6:46 states And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray.
Lord, i want to go away from the world and be with You. Lord, i shall study Your Word for it is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Holy Spirit teach me on the mountain as i steal away to pray. I am Your sheep. i know Your voice. in Jesus' name, amen