i just got home from an afternoon excursion of seeing Just Wright and walking in the park for 50 minutes. i ran home after Sunday School and worship to change my clothes and eat some food. (while i walked around the park, i remembered how we used to change our clothes in the back seat of the car, after Sunday school/church. we would have a picnic lunch, play in the sand box, and walk around. other times, we would run home for our bikes and the portable BBQ grill). either way, it was fun.
there were some kids and families in the park but not enough. maybe the kids were at home with playing there $600 video game system and there parents are at home also? i know why America is fat. i watch the habits of the kids around me. they get $20 a week. they buy a bacon, egg and cheese on a roll for breakfast. some seeds, chips and a soda for lunch. eat the school lunch depending on what it is. buy a order of fries with extra ketchup and hot sauce or get 3 to 5 items off the dollar menu. my stomach hurts just thinking about it.
i can testify that i know 12 and 14 year olds diagnosed with high cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension. it scares me. one of my kids is addicted to snicker bars. i have to pray for her tonight because she starts her counseling and exercise program on June 1st. kids needs to exercise more. parents need to exercise more. maybe the family needs to walk together for one hour minimum each day and two hours on Saturday, after the chores are done. if you want a burger and fries, buy the ground turkey or ground chicken and the potatoes and make it from scratch. its healthier.
i do not want to tell you to go on a diet because diets are temporary. make a decision to eat healthier for the rest of your life. the USDA has a food pyramid and physical activity tracker where you can monitor your habits daily. the NFL has a similar site for kids.
2 Corinthians 6:16 states: And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you [fn] are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among [them]. I will be their God, And they shall be My people." [fn]
God, I know that You have created me for a purpose. In order to fulfill my purpose, I have to take care of the body that You have given me. God, I am Your temple. God, You dwell in me. God, You walk with me. God, You are My God. God, I am one of Your people. God help me be a better steward. God help me make better food choices. God help me set aside time each day for exercise. in Jesus' name, amen