When I was in high school, I wanted to take my relationship with God to another level. I did two things, I studied every young person who had a relationship with God in the Bible and I studied the different ways that God talked to people. I even made my first covenants with God. It was a covenant that changed my life for ever. i love about the Lord My God. God loves us. God desires an intimate relationship with the human beings that are created in God's image. the Bible is a testimony of how creation related to God. Creation has relationships with God through salvation, via Jesus, faith, hope, trust, and love. It is a daily walk with bible study and prayer, prayer and praise, and just dwelling in God's presence.
The bible states in:
Revelations 3:20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.
God, please help me be aware when You knock on the door of my heart. God open my ears to hear Your voice. God, You stated that My sheep know my voice and the voice of a stranger s/he will not hear. God, i want to dine with you each day that i live. God, i am glad that we can dine together in prayer, in worship, in bible study, in soaking. In Jesus' name, amen