i remember, well actually i cannot recall the exact date, yet when i was younger, i saw this bumper sticker. it made me laugh and it convicted me simultaneously.
how can your bible be dusty?
you only use it on Sunday's and/or Wednesday's (whichever night is bible study at church).
it is a just a show piece in the living room.
you think its the ark of the covenant. only levitical priest can touch it and you do not accept your call as a heir and joint heir with God.
nevertheless, there is a problem. we have illiterate Christians who are not walking in the promises, blessings and anointing of God because they do not know the mandates, commandments, which must be followed for the promises, blessings and anointing of God to take hold of your life.
you must read the bible for yourself.
you must study the bible for yourself.
you must ask Holy Spirit to teach you, as you study the Word of God, so you can understand.
you must pray the Word of God to receive instruction, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
in order for your heart to be softened, the scales to fall from your eyes, your ears to unplugged, your lame legs to received life, you must seek God. you cannot just learn about God through worship and prayer. how can you know what to pray if you do not know the word? how can you worship a God who you do not take time to get to know through reading the Word of God.
Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) states: Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
are you walking in darkness?
are you living in darkness?
Father, forgive us for thinking that praying the prayer of salvation was enough. forgive God for not working out our soul's salvation through daily bible study, daily prayer, and daily worship. forgive us God for complaining about what You do not do for us as believers when we do not take time enough to study the promises of God in Your Word. forgive us God for being lazy Christians. Holy Spirit i am committed to sit at the feet of God each day for bible study. teach me, help me understand the Word of God, so i may understand who i am in You, in Jesus' name, amen
its been real.