last week, i took a pilgrimage to Kansas city Missouri. i needed to hear from God. i know, i know, you are saying, 'you can hear from God in Brooklyn.' i wanted to get away from my familiar environment so i could...touch the hem of God's garment and admit it was me. i was so happy. God promised me favor before i left and God proved Godself. i received extra snacks/beverages, i was able to check in at 1130am at the hotel, God met me at the altar of my heart. i was broken and God healed me. i sinned and God forgave me. i needed a Word and God spoke pages into my heart, my mind, my soul, which i transcribed into my journal. God desires an intimate relationship with us. we become holy, the more we spend time in the presence, the Word, yielding to the hand of God. God wants us to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Psalm 25:14 states: The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.
God, I want to be Your friend. God i reverence, Your holy, righteous and matchless name. God reveal to me Your covenant as i study Your Word each day, in Jesus' name, amen
intimacy with God is an awesome experience available to all of those who seek God's face. whose face are you seeking?
its been real.