even though i am an adult, i know why i am a lover of books. when i was a toddler, my mom took me to get a library card. i was able to read books (simulated reading) and look at pictures. it excited me. my mom read to me all the time. when we took our weekly visits to the library, i would take out as many books as she would allow me. i loved reading. even when i finally got my own television, at age 11, it was to late. i loved books more than watching television.
i love reading.
when you read you get to travel mentally for free.
you remove ignorance.
you learn about the One who created you.
you learn about how other people view life.
you become hungry to travel.
you increase your knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
you learn about what is expected of you from the One who created you.
you some answers to questions that you have.
you are challenged to think outside the box.
you grow, grow, grow.
summer does not start until June 21st, yet i have already started my summer reading pattern. fiction, non - fiction (autobiographical, etc), fiction, non - fiction. i want to finish all the books that i have started before i start buying books i want to make a part of my library or borrowing books from the library, physically or digitally.
i can read about a book a day. i just need to intersperse that first and foremost with time with the One, in bible study and prayer, and EXERCise. and of course, my to do list.
let the reading begin...