this summer one of my main focuses was clean, clean, clean. there are many facets to cleaning. you want to go through your belongings and see if there is anything that you need to donate, discard, utilize (recycle, renew, or reuse). it has been an adventure. i am happy with my progress though some days it seems as if i go faster than others. today i even wondered if i should stay in one room until it is complete, yet i did not want boredom to hit me so i just rotate. and play my favorite songs or sermons in the background or just sing from my heart.
Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.
this verse is at the top of every to do list that i have. i love when Holy Spirit will whisper in my ear, anything i have skipped.
Nehemiah 4:6 So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.
this one verse is the a segment of one of my favorite stories in the bible. it reminds me that when i trust God, wait on God, obey God, repent when i know i have sinned, and listening to God so i can be happy.
basically the verse just talks about stamina. i want to have stamina and encouragement to live each day.
for each room in my home, i wrote down a list of things that i need to do. each time i complete a task, i cross it out and write PTL. this list is encouraging because when i clean up, it seems like the time goes by yet i wonder where did the time went.
it seems like this is the first jumbled blogged i have written yet, i need to return to the clutter.
Lord, i thank You that You give me a mind to work. God i commit this day to You so You can establish my thoughts. In Jesus' name, amen