i am going to leave in about 30 minutes to attend a women's bible study group. i am actually going to give a exhortation on my relationship with God. i was asked to minister on Friday night during prayer. on the way home, I asked God for a word for the women. God provided the Word. Holy Spirit and I discussed it and it was settled. I love God. God opens doors to minister and if you seek God for the Word, God will provide the Word and God will use me. when you spend time with God, God will reveal God's purpose and plan. write the vision and make it plain, the one God has placed on your heart.
here are the verses to meditate on.
John 6.35,48-51; Isaiah 9.6c; exodus 33.11a; john 4.14
the lesson follows after...
what type of relationship does God want with you?
1. i want to complete the sentences in your life.
John 6.35a and Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life."
2. i want to feed you with my Word daily.
John 6.35b whoever comes to me will never be hungry
3. i want the presence of my Spirit to fill you more and more each day.
John 4.14 but those who drink of the water i will give them will never be thirsty. the water i will give them will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.
4. i want an everlasting relationship.
exodus 33.11a thus the Lord used to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.
i hope you can find the place where God is calling you to be. you do not have to wait until ash Wednesday/Lenten season to begin, you can start now!