the last blog posted, on this page stirred up in me for weeks, yet i finally put on the blog what i pray about and wrestle with. i guess i need to talk more about what irritates me in this world we live in. its like sending a text or email to someone who always seems to busy to talk to you until they have a need, yet they make time because the message you sent stirred up something in them.
i wonder if i always have to cause someone to turn over the tables in order for them to speak to me or will they stop being selfish and take some time out for me. when i was younger, my brother used to say, 'you don't call me, i don't call you.' i think i am going to start living by that motto for this season. my prayer is that i never get so busy that i forget to make time for myself and for others.
it reminds of the time i lived in Ithaca new york. God told me that you are in the wilderness, just me and you. i needed the wilderness. it made me stronger. it made me more contemplative. it helped me grow. i want to grow. i do not want to be the same person i was in June. God told me that when summer arrived.
Jeremiah 29.11-14. For i know the plans that i have for you, declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. then you call upon me come and pray to me, and i will hear you. you will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart. i will be found by you, says the Lord, and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you, says the Lord, and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile.
a familiar text yet a daily prayer that i want God to fulfill in my life.