i am studying the book of exodus. i am at the part where God is providing discrete instructions on how the tabernacle of God is being made. i am not trying to be selfish. i still study the verses as if it was 3 - 5 verses i study any other day. if you think about it, God took God's time to build us and we are still being made into the women / men / children of God that God is creating us to be. the more i yield to God. the more i study the Word and pray the Word. the more i say, 'not my will but Yours be done.' the more that i walk as a child of God and not as a beggar or peasant in the throne room. the more that i embrace the commands and promises of God, the more i am transformed into God's image. God is the Potter and i am the clay.
Psalm 139.13-14 says for it was You who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise You, for i am fearfully and wonderfully made. wonderful are Your works; that i know very well.
open your heart to the Father. the Father wants to reveal God's self to you.
God wants you to experience the Shekinah glory