Psalm 42:1-2 as the deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. my soul thirsts for God, for the living God. when shall I come and behold the face of God.
i was so hungry for God's presence on Sunday, i could not stop thinking about God. i did pbs (personal bible study). i was hungry. i exercised. i was hungry. i ate my oatmeal with some herbal tea and a glass of orange juice. i was hungry. i took the bus to Sunday school. i was hungry. I'm sitting in the sanctuary, ready for the lesson to start, worship music flowing through the air, and my heart crying out to God, 'I'm hungry'. I'm whispering to God throughout the lesson, during praise and worship and throughout the service. Holy Spirit is whispering back to me, 'worship Me with all your heart, your mind and your soul. I shall come to you. I AM I AM.' i pour myself to God in spirit and in truth and God pours into me. the presence of God arrived and hovered in the temple. i am grateful for God's response. i want more of God.
Lord, my soul thirst for you. You are the Living water. You are the living God. God i desire to see Your face and live. Speak Lord for I am listening. I shall wait until you come. in Jesus' name, amen