i carry my journal with me wherever i go. in reality, my journal, my planner, and my bible, travel with me wherever i go. i love to record: revelations that i received from Holy Spirit, prayer request, answered prayers, poetry, Black history facts, Women history facts, my to do list, concerns, reflections from work/rest/play, random thoughts.
i have written in my journal since i was young. i have a large collection. it tells a story of my life. how i have lived. whom has influenced me. strengths. weaknesses. dreams. dreams deferred. disappointments. setbacks.
i like to pick up my old journals and see if i can detect growth, sarcasm, insight, wisdom or understanding.
i tell others about the benefits of journaling. some people make excuses. some people prefer digital journals. nevertheless, let your story be recorded about the pages of your life...
Psalm 119:16 I will not forget Your word.
in the books of Deuteronomy and Numbers, God admonished Moses to write. how will you remember what God has taught you and brought you through? How will you recall the Word God has given you to fulfill?
Lord, i do not want to forget Your Word. Your Word is truly a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path. in Jesus' name, amen
journaling is biblical and sound.