you know how you are suppose to consume 4 to 5 vegetables a day and 3 to 4 fruits a day. well i have been falling short. i can eat fruit but i have been falling short on the vegetables. God gave me a great idea. eat a fresh salad daily for a meal. i thought that is so cool. a salad for a meal is filling and healthy. so each week, i trek to the farmers market or supermarket and buy Romain lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and i go home and make 5 salads for the week. i need some raisins or craisins to spice it up. i am happy though. i have been wanting to decrease my caloric intake and this is helping. i can eat the salad for dinner or lunch and i am good. God is so smart.
i also started giving one hour back to God. i used to do my personal bible study (pbs) for 30 to 45 minutes and call it a wrap. i realized that i want more of God so i stay for an hour. whether i soak, or just listen to God. its all good. sometimes, we just talk more about the scripture i meditated on the morning and/or prayed about. i am definitely seeing the benefits. i still have time to workout and eat breakfast before i leave for work.
proverbs 16:3 is one of my favorites bible verses: commit your ways to the Lord and He shall establish your thoughts.
i want to be organized and if God can help me, i want to be. yesterday, i needed help writing a 7 to 10 page paper. i asked God how to map it out and God told me what to do. when i write the second paper between tonight and tomorrow. i know God is going to help me out again.
Lord, i am glad that i can cast all my cares on You because You care for me. Lord, help me remember that You know what is best for me. in Jesus' name, amen
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