on Saturday afternoon, i received a text from NYC government. blizzard warning in NYC from Sunday December 26th at 6am to Monday December 27th at 6pm. i prayed that people would not be paranoid, run to the supermarket and buy a $50 shovel and cases of water they never drink even when its 90 degrees outside. this morning, the end result was 18 inches of snow. after a few minutes, i was like, "God, i want 18 inches of blessings in my life." how could i reap blessings? a few hours later, i went to the upper room and i had prayer, praise and worship. it was fun. reading scripture, praying scripture, singing love songs to God, realizing that i am a lover of God and i am God's favorite. it was awesome. why do people wait until church service to worship God in spirit and in truth? God does inhabit the praises of people made in God's image.
John 4:23 - 24. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
Exodus 33:18 Moses said, "show me your glory, I pray."
God, yesterday the world celebrated Jesus, yet Lord even now we realize that as true worshipers, You want us to worship You in spirit and truth, each day that we live. God we want more of You. God we want to experience the glory of Your presence. God as the deer pants for the water brook, our souls thirst for You O God. God we are grateful that You shall inhabit our praises. in Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
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