last night i went to prayer, calm yet excited. prayer was later than usual because my godmother made the request. i ran in the sanctuary early to prepare it. i put on the soaking music. i smiled at God. i found a place to put my things. when i returned, i was ready. my bible, my journal, yet most of all my heart, my mind and my soul was open up to the Spirit of God. i repented of all my sins and God forgave me. my Spirit within me leaped. i knew tonight would be special. 'How Great is our God" began to play on the piano. i searched for it on my mp3 player because i did not want to mess up. i played the song and the song played with the piano. it was awesome. i thought about the greatness of God in my life.
yesterday i took a mental health day. i ate. i exercised. i read. i watch TV for an hour. yet i sought God in the afternoon. i knew it was weird bc i usually seek God in the am and in the pm. it was still cool bc after pbs (personal bible study), i had time to worship God in Spirit and in truth, after i prayed the promises of God and the text for yesterday's lesson. i felt like i was at a praise party. my heart danced. my Spirit groaned. i longed to stay at God's feet yet i knew that i would experience more of God as i worshipped and sought God's face with other believers.
as "How great is our God" played, i looked for a scripture to speak to the song. i found Psalm 77. i read the entire psalm with the same authority that Jesus did when He said, 'today this scripture has been fulfilled.' i was moved by verses 13 and 14
13. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary (in holiness, away from sin and guilt). Who is a great God like our God? 14. You are the God Who does wonders; You have demonstrated Your power among the peoples.
God, Your way is in the sanctuary. We are temples of the living God. God create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. God as You increase, let us decrease. God, You are a great God. God, You do marvelous wonders on earth and in our lives. God, You have demonstrated Your power amongst us. God, we thank You that You continue to reveal Yourself to us in the Word, in praise and in worship. in Jesus' name, amen
i pray that your Lenten season transforms your life permanently.
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