veteran's day was very significant yesterday. the call occurred where 24 hours of prayer, praise and worship occurred from Detroit, Michigan. it was an awesome experience to intercede on behalf of the nation for repentance, deliverance, to hear from God. I'm glad it was and still being web cast on www.godtv.com/thecall.
veterans' day was also a day set aside when we remember and honor the members of armed forces who have trained in all 4 branches to fight on behalf of the united states of America. i texted a few of my friends who volunteered. one of my girlfriends text me back and said happy veterans' day. i did not want to accept the gratitude because i fight with prayer, supplication, worship and fasting. God commands us all as Christians to "pray without ceasing...the heart of the king/queen flows like rivers in the hand of God...if my people who are called by my name."
are you a veteran? have you been praying? do you put on the armor of God daily? are you equipping the angels and your household?
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