today started out normal. i got up, journaled, did PBS, prayed, exercised, refreshed, ate breakfast, worshipped, commuted, and got some advise from Holy Spirit about my day. i hung up the coat and purse, put my lunch away and sat at my desk. one of my favorite worshipped songs came on and i worshipped (work did not start yet for another 20 minutes so i whispered to God, please do not let anyone disturb us as i sing this love song to You). i was on a real high after that. this day was different though. i felt like cleaning the entire white board. i just couldn't wipe it once. i had to go over and over and over again. it kept getting cleaner and cleaner. it reminded me how when you remember that we are created in God's image and when we worship God, trust God, and live for God, we feel whole all the time because of the intimacy we share with God.
i put the lesson on the board and started to talk, teach, and circulate the room. as i multi tasked, i realized that i did not mark the late people late and present. overtime, a problem arose, i addressed it and encountered another problem. i spoke to my supervisor. and i went into the bathroom to regroup. i chose a stall and relaxed. i just sat there and God's presence filled the stall. God told me to look up and God asked me who i am and Whose image i am created in. i began to smile and i placed my hand over my heart as if i was saying the pledge of the allegiance yet i was experiencing restoration. someone had to use the restroom so i left. my colleagued asked what i was doing, i said praying. she said didn't you pray this morning. i said, when people disrespect you, you have to pray again until God restores you. i returned to the bathroom and finished up the earlier restorative time with God. i felt much better and i was able to teach and live for the rest of the day.
Psalm 139.14, 17 14. I will praise You, for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made; [fn] Marvelous are Your works, And [that] my soul knows very well. 17. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
God, I am glad that Your precious thoughts towards me strengthens, empowers and comforts me. I am glad that no one can steal my joy. God I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works. God my soul knows You well. i am glad that You shall continue to perfect those things which concern me, in Jesus' name, amen.
enjoy one of my favorite songs...Awesome
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