the nation is giving thanks on Thursday for the relationship between Native Americans and Americans, for what they have, for the relationship of family. i am not sure. i met a third grader today who told me that he does not celebrate Thanksgiving. as a Christian, i thank God daily for mercy, grace, and love...for another day to live...for being able to fulfill my purpose and my call...for an intimate relationship with the Potter. on Thursday, i will write 30 sentences in my journal about why i am thankful for being a Christian.
what are you thankful for? does God receive thanks from your lips and your life daily? does your life emanate thanks to God daily?
be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING, let your request be made known to God... Philippians 4.6
open your heart to Abba and say thank You. as you worship God, in spirit and in truth, you can relax in God's presence and share everything on your heart. When you trust God with everything, God will exchange your concerns and faith with Peace, love and truth.
(i have returned to adding a video clip/worship song: i beleive you move led by jaye thomas).
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