en route to prayer last night, i talked to my neighbor / friend. after we caught up on everything we came to the point where i asked, 'why do people say they want to get close to God, yet they do not want to spend time with God?' he raised an eyebrow. 'how long will people be satisfied with being spoon fed (only eating what is fed at church: service, Sunday school, bible study)?' he retorted, 'what about the pastors' who want the congregation dependent on them more than God?' i never thought about that. i said, 'i am sick and tired of malnourished Christians. i tell people, an hour with God (prayer and bible study) and an hour of exercise. whatever you are going through there is a word in the bible to minister to that need. you have to meditate on it. you have to ask Holy Spirit to help you understand it. you have to pray the word until it becomes alive in your life. you have to heed the advise that the word of God and Holy Spirit gives you.
Psalm 25.4-5 show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.
You have to be committed to the One who was committed when John 3.16 became a reality. You have to be committed to spend time with God so you can get to know the One in whose image you are created. You have to be committed to spend time with God and trust God so your faith and trust in God can increase.
when your trust and faith in God grows, then you become a stronger Christian. don't you want your testimony to change. don't you want to be the one who leads someone to Christ rather than pointing to another person or church to lead them? will you ever open your home to have weekly prayer meetings as the disciples did in the New Testament?
when you do pbs (personal bible study) daily, let Psalm 25.4-5 be a daily prayer.
don't you want to live for God daily. Give yourself to God...so God can use you. (voices of Eden gospel choir at UNC - Charlotte)
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