tomorrow is the second Sunday of advent (November 27th to December 24th). this year's theme for advent is 'Preparing the Way.' advent is the season wherein Christians prepare their hearts to welcome Christ, the fulfillment of God's promise to the world. it actually helps people refocus on Christ. so many people ask me what does Christmas mean to me. i tell them, i celebrate my Brother, Jesus' birthday. i sing Jesus the Happy Birthday song and i tell Abba Father why i am grateful for intimate relationship we have with God because of Jesus.
what kind of impact does God have on your life? do you allow God to be interactive in your life? when you rise each day, do you say Good morning God...speak for I am listening?
the psalmist (42.1) stated that 'as the deer pants for the water brook, my soul thirst for You, O God.
God has a word for you each day of this advent season and each day of your life. i admonish you to spend an hour with God for bible study, prayer and worship in the morning and in the evening. fellowship with the God who created you in God's own image.
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