Friday, May 27, 2011

have you really been praying?

on Sunday, i went to my friend's church. i had only visited on Holy Thursday and i wanted to visit at least once more before next Holy Thursday. the church had just returned from a retreat, so i prayed and asked God to provide a Word for me. (i attended my men tee's graduation on Saturday night). as i drove through the central new york clouds slowly, i asked God to raise the clouds. even as i drove, i thought of the clouds as the glory of the Lord filling the heavenly throne room.

God had healed me on Friday night during prayer. i had an awesome quiet time at home each day on the weekend and awesome worship in the car round trip. i just knew that God had a Word for me. during the sharing of the Word, Holy Spirit had challenged me to pray for people and tell them that i was praying for them if the person asked why i was touching their shoulder. (i decided that just laying one hand on their shoulder and praying in my heart would be cool).

one of my students had asked me to pray with him last week. this week i prayed for three students and two colleagues. i witnessed God provide healing. they told me that felt better. i am glad that God is enlarging my vision. i want to be used by God.

James 5:13-16 are any of you suffering? they should pray. are any cheerful? they should sing songs of praise. are any among you sick? they should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.

Abba, help us realize that we are vessels made by the Master Potter. God help us remember that You want us to do greater works than You did. God help us remember that we are light, salt, and children of the Most High God. in Jesus' name, amen