Saturday, December 8, 2012

are you spiritually congested?

last night, during the Encounter with God service, i was resting in the presence of God.  i had already thanked God for safe passage and i informed God that my undivided attention was on God alone.  Holy Spirit began to whisper in my ear and reveal to me sins that i had not confessed, sins against me that i had not forgiven, sins that i had not discussed with My Abba Father.  i sat in God's presence, in Peace, and slowly i confessed my sins against God, against people, against myself.  i told God how i felt hurt and annoyed.  God understood how i felt.  God loved/loves me despite the time it took to confess these sins.  i told God that i am glad that i God revealed to me this sins which was blocking the ultimate flow in our relationship.  i received God's advice.  i received God's forgiveness.  i received God's mercy.  i received God's grace. 
when you are in worship, at home or with other believers, do not rush.  God wants to talk to you.  God wants you to listen. 
1 John 1.9 if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
God, we thank you that we can find Peace in Your presence.  God we thank You that we can receive forgiveness and cleansing because we confess our sins against You, ourselves and others.  In Jesus' name, amen.