Sunday, November 18, 2012

Do you wait patiently for God every day?

Psalm 37.7a Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him;
I have been learning what this verse means more and more the past few weeks, well months. It seems when I am ending a fast, I will go in my room when I get home, and bow before God.  I just listen to what God has to say and share some stuff that is on my heart.  More and more I am realizing that God wants me to just sit in God's presence and wait patiently for God.  It is relaxing.  It is calming.  It is refreshing.  I just enjoy how Holy Spirit will discuss my day with me and point out stuff I ignored or that I need to address.  It is important to wait patiently for God when God wakes us up in the middle of the night.  God loves to wake us up when we cannot be distracted by anyone. Ill reach for my word or my journal and just wait to see what God wants to discuss.
God, teach us how to rest in You.  God, teach us how to wait patiently for You.  God, deliver us from impatience and seeking the television watching as we wait for You.  In Jesus' name, amen