Sunday, September 30, 2012

do you ask God to preserve you?

Psalm 16.1 Preserve me, O God, for in thee I take refuge. 2. I say to the LORD, "Thou art my Lord; I have no good apart from thee."
You know how you walk through each day, yet each day is the same and different.  I woke up this morning and I did pbs (personal bible study).  I attended worship service.  I worshipped. I praised God.  I was challenged by the sermon.   My life is not what it was last year. 
In Sunday school class today, we reviewed Hebrews 13.1-3,6; 1 Cor 13.  My pastor had explained that love is given physically through sustenance and spiritually through providing spiritual nourishment.  He asked what is love to me.  "I said that one of my goals in life daily is to love people with the love of God.  if I know you or I do not know you, I will treat with God's love."  I further explained that "God is challenging me more to pray for people on the bus/train or whom I see daily.  My prayers for the past few years has begun with, Lord what do you want me to pray or what do you want me to say?  I want to do what God wants me to do otherwise I am wasting my time.  If I do not do God's will, I am just collecting dust.  People should notice that you are peculiar whether you have a cross on or not.  People should see the Jesus in you.  This will provide an opportunity for you to witness if they do ask you about your peculiarity." 
God, please preserve me for I take refuge in You.  You are Lord.  I am good only because of You.  In Jesus' name, amen.

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