Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm not sure why people do not like to tithe. do they have issues with telling God thank You for the 100% and here is a tenth (minimum) that i am offering to You? (after giving God a tenth for a few months, you should open your heart and ask God how can i give You more, yet that's another blog). maybe people have trust issues? do people think God is a human rather than God. maybe they are not allowing God to be Lord of their lives? it's like praying the prayer of salvation and thinking that is enough. do people think someone at their place of worship is going to misuse their funds? maybe people need to commit themselves to reading all the scriptures in the Bible about tithes and offerings and ask Holy Spirit to teach you about what God expects of you.
Deuteronomy 14:22 says "You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year. "
what is your grain? any money God blesses you with. (if you get a check, it is from the gross). salary, pension, social security, disability, child support, allowance, birthday present, etc.
God, i want to tithe all the money that You have given me because You supply all of my needs according to Your riches in glory. God forgive me for being disobedient to You and Your Word. God i thank You for the daily Bread and financial bread. God i thank You for the blessings that shall fall on me according to Malachi 3 that states You will open the windows of heaven on me and pour out a blessing so that i wont have room enough to receive. thank You God for rebuking the devourer for my sakes. in Jesus' name, amen.

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