Monday, October 19, 2009

what did you just say?

i am a teacher and a future school counselor. i accepted my call to teach a few years ago. God has used my life as a role model to be a light in each class i teach, each workshop i attend, each grad course i enroll in. as i listen to my students, while they are suppose to be completing group activities or as i pass them in the hallway, my heart aches and my ears burn. kids can curse you out with a few words, gossip after that, and maintain a straight face during your classroom discussion. i know adults do all three but a majority of my week is spent around children. my children also ask my advice or opinion because of my professed love for God. nevertheless, two weeks ago, i was telling one of my students, who i know is a Christian also, that she needs to cut down on the cursing because she is sending missed messages when she witnesses about the love of God. last week, the same student said ,'Miss, i told my mom what you said and she said i was still young and i do not have to worry about that now.' i was flabbergasted. i said the quickest prayer to God and God said, 'tell her how i deliver you from unholy behaviors.' so i said, 'you know what i want you to do, i want you to put 2 timothy 2:16 on an index card and i want you to pray that verse every day and ask God to deliver you. God is honored when we stand on God's promises. i also want you to stop hanging around people who curse and gossip so you wont go back to a place where God is bringing you out of.' she responded, 'what's the verse? i don't want to leave my friend. i like her. i don't have to do what she does.' i whispered a prayer to God on her behalf.
as i talked to God this morning, i realized that i could have added psalm 19:14 also to my students daily prayer request.

amplified version
2 timothy 2:16 but avoid all empty (vain, useless, idle) talk, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness.
psalm 19:14 let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my (firm, impenetrable) Rock and my Redeemer.

i want to be the child of God that You have called me to be. God deliver me from vain, useless, idle talk, that leads to ungodliness. God i want the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable in Your sight for You are my Firm Rock and my Firm Redeemer. Lord, help me walk in the deliverance that You desire for me. In Jesus' name, i pray, amen.

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